Gerangschikt als #1 Beste Cloud Service Provider van Nederland 2024!

Netwerk en infrastructuur

Hosting is een belangrijk aspect dat van invloed is op de schaalbaarheid van het platform. Alumio levert hoogwaardige hostinginfrastructuren die klaar zijn voor wereldwijde uitrol naar internationale ondernemingen. Het biedt een horizontale en verticale schaalbare oplossing die naadloos samenwerkt met het open-source systeem „Kubernetes”.

Alumio network & hosting

The Alumio integration platform provides the networks, servers, storage, operating system (OS), database, and other services to host the customer's purchased Alumio edition. Alumio uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) for its hosting services and to bolster its platform security. The integration platform prioritizes data security through secure connections, encryption, and authentication protocols confidentiality. Implementing updates seamlessly with Kubernetes, Alumio supports rolling updates and version management.

A multicolored 3D visual of the global network of partners, customers, and successfully connected solutions of Alumio.
Lego bricks in the form of a staircase with an cord and plug bouncing up the staircase of Legos to connect to a floating Lego piece

Scalable infrastructure

Hosting is an important aspect that influences the scalability of the Alumio integration platform. It delivers high-performance hosting infrastructures that are ready for worldwide rollout to international enterprises. Alumio provides a horizontal and vertical scalable solution that works seamlessly with the open-source system "Kubernetes".

An integration solution for businesses of all sizes

A scalable and flexible cloud-native platform

Alumio is a cloud-native, API-driven integration platform. It is engineered to leverage the power of clustered microservices technology to enable exceptional performance, customizability, and scalability for businesses of all sizes. From growing businesses looking to connect two or more applications to larger businesses planning to develop, govern, and orchestrate vast integrated ecosystems, Alumio provides:

The number one colored in white in an Alumio vivid purple circle.
A rich library of connectors
Rapidly integrate popular applications by choosing from the rich library of Alumio connectors, which are pre-configured application data that facilitate faster connections via the Alumio integration platform.
The number two colored in white in an Alumio vivid purple circle.
Event-Driven Architecture
Enable real-time data exchange and automate workflows with the Alumio event-driven architecture. Leverage webhooks to trigger automated responses and updates based on specific events that occur within your integrated systems.
The number three colored in white in an Alumio vivid purple circle.
Data transformers
Implement hundreds of unique data transformations including conditional, filtering, mapping, and many more. Unify data formats and build flexible integration customizations to suit your business requirements.

Cloud-editie voor ondernemingen

Horizontale en verticale schaalbare oplossing

Alumio raadt bedrijven (500 miljoen plus omzet) een geclusterde oplossing aan voor een hoogwaardige infrastructuur die klaar is voor wereldwijde uitrol.

The high-performance infrastructure​ is an open-source, Kubernetes-based system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Light purple Lego bricks in the form of a staircase with an cord and plug bouncing up the staircase of Legos to connect to a floating Lego piece - A visual representation of how to achieve digital transformation and an interconnected IT ecosystem with Alumio.

Secure your data and integrations with Alumio

The Alumio integration platform guarantees great uptime and ensures business continuity within your integrated IT ecosystem with data buffering, caching capabilities, and reactivation procedures.

A white 2D icon representing a multi-factor authentication on the orange gradient background
Multi-Factor Authentication
Alumio supports several different options or factors for protecting user account access with multi-factor authentication (MFA) such as push, SMS, email, voice notifications, one-time passwords, and more.
A white 2D icon representing a federated single-sign-on on the gradient green background
Federated Single-Sign-On
Alumio provides the Federated Single Sign-On (SSO) add-on to authenticate users in an external, federated identity provider (IdP) such as Active Directory/LDAP, ADFS, Azure Active Directory Native, Google Workspace, OpenID Connect, Okta, PingFederate, SAML, and Azure Active Directory. This comes available by default with our custom edition.

Integrate web services

Whether it involves building connections via REST, JSON, XML, SOAP, Databases, FTP, and so on, the Alumio integration platform helps you integrate any system or data source. Providing an extensive set of web services support, Alumio integrates with thousands of systems. It also provides a rich library of connectors, and a flexible environment for creating custom connections.
A colorful, nicely rendered 3D visualization of the Alumio Marketplace, showcasing that solutions like Sage, Magento, OpenAI, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and many more can easily be integrated via the Alumio marketplace.
The Alumio Core

Learn more about our
Symfony-based iPaaS

The framework of our API-driven platform
Designed to be a developer-friendly modular integration solution, the Alumio iPaaS is built on the renowned open-source PHP framework called Symfony. Providing a set of decoupled and reusable components, Symfony stands out for the modularity and extensibility it enables.

Alumio core competencies

Discover more about the performance benefits of Alumio
A 3d visualization of the extensive security architecture of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard.
Discover the
Alumio architecture
Alumio provides a robust and flexible low-code "integration Platform as a Service", which is built on a flexible and scalable high-performance, cloud-native infrastructure.
Be scalable
A Alumio vivid purple arrow pointing to the right, a visual representation of how to access more page material when clicking on it.
A purple screen with orange graph bar charts coming out of it, demonstrating the productivity, resource, and revenue optimization benefits achievable through seamless software integrations.
Explore the Alumio
performance reports
Discover how Alumio helps deliver great uptime, process thousands of transactions per second, and support thousands of cloud-native Alumio environments.
Ensure continuity
A Alumio vivid purple arrow pointing to the right, a visual representation of how to access more page material when clicking on it.
A 3D render of the top-notch security and compliance empowered by Alumio iPaaS.
Benefit from
Security and Compliance
Discover how Alumio helps eliminate data silos and makes it easy for businesses to comply with data privacy legislations like GDPR, SOC2, CCPA, and more.
Be secure
A Alumio vivid purple arrow pointing to the right, a visual representation of how to access more page material when clicking on it.

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