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Understanding replatforming: What is it and how does it work?

Verfasst von
Carla Hetherington
Veröffentlicht am
May 31, 2024
Updated on
September 24, 2024

What can you do when your existing software architecture is oudated and cannot accommodate your evolving needs? The answer is simple: replatform. Replatforming is a key aspect of digital transformation that involves upgrading digital infrastructure such as applications, servers, databases, or websites from its existing infrastructure to a new, cloud-based platform. The goal of replatforming is to enhance performance, agility, security, and scalability while reducing operational costs. Keep on reading to delve into what replatforming is, how it works, its relevance in cloud migration, when it should be considered, and the potential risks involved.

What is replatforming?

Replatforming is the process of migrating an application or system from one platform to another with minimal changes to the codebase. Unlike a complete overhaul or rebuilding from scratch, replatforming focuses on moving the existing code to a new infrastructure and reshaping it while retaining the bulk of the structure and without altering the core functionality or features of an application. The goal of replatforming is to enable the adoption of new platform features, improved performance, and enhanced scalability.  

How does replatforming work?

Replatforming involves several critical steps to ensure a smooth transition. The replatforming process begins with assessment and planning, where the current system is evaluated, the need for replatforming is identified, and a new platform is chosen. This is followed by architecture design, which involves designing the new architecture while considering the features and limitations of the selected platform. Next, code modification is undertaken to ensure the application's compatibility with the new platform. Data migration then takes place, transferring existing data to the new platform while maintaining data integrity and security. Thorough testing is conducted to ensure the application functions correctly on the new platform. Finally, the application is deployed on the new platform, and its performance is monitored to ensure everything runs smoothly.

What are the different types of replatforming?

1. Lift and shift replatforming: This approach involves moving applications and workloads from one environment to another without significant modifications. It is often used to migrate applications to the cloud and it is a quick and cost-effective solution for legacy systems needing immediate modernization.

2. Containerization: Containerization involves encapsulating applications and their dependencies into containers, which can be deployed consistently across various environments. This method is commonly used for cloud migrations and microservices architectures since it improves resource utilization and isolation and facilitates continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).

3. Refactoring: Refactoring involves modifying the existing codebase to optimize performance, scalability, and maintainability without changing its external behavior. This is often done to take full advantage of cloud-native features, optimize applications for the new platform, and improve long-term maintainability and performance.

4. Re-architecting: This approach involves redesigning the application architecture to better align with the new platform’s capabilities and business goals. It is often used for significant technological shifts, such as moving from monolithic to microservices architectures.

5. Rebuilding: Rebuilding entails developing the application from scratch on the new platform. This approach is suitable when the existing application is outdated or inefficient, enabling complete control over the new architecture and features and eliminating legacy system constraints.

Is replatforming exclusive to e-commerce?

No, replatforming is not exclusive to e-commerce; it occurs across various industries and sectors. In the context of e-commerce, it involves migrating an online store from one platform to another to improve performance, scalability, user experience, or to incorporate new features. This complex process includes data migration, redesigning the user interface, and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.

A real-life example is the replatforming of the British luxury fashion retailer, Burberry. In 2016, Burberry transitioned from its legacy system to Salesforce Commerce Cloud. This move aimed to enhance their digital presence, improve site performance, and offer personalized customer experiences. The transition involved meticulous planning and execution, including data transfer of product information, customer details, and order histories. The replatforming resulted in a more agile and responsive e-commerce site, significantly improving customer engagement and online sales.

What industries does replatforming play a role in?

Besides in e-commerce, replatforming can happen across several industries, for example:

Financial industry: Banks might replatform their core banking systems to more modern and flexible platforms to enhance transaction processing speeds and integrate with new digital services.

Healthcare: Hospitals and clinics have increasingly replatformed their electronic health records (EHR) systems to comply with new regulations or to improve interoperability with other healthcare providers.

Media and entertainment industry: Companies might replatform their content management systems to more efficiently handle digital content distribution and streaming.

A notable example outside e-commerce is Netflix, which replatformed its infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the early 2010s. This move allowed Netflix to scale its streaming service globally, improve uptime, and better manage the vast amount of data generated by its users. The replatforming process involved migrating massive amounts of data and re-architecting applications to be cloud-native, ensuring that Netflix could deliver high-quality streaming experiences to millions of users worldwide.

What does replatforming have to do with cloud migration?

Replatforming is a cloud migration strategy that entails the modification of a legacy system to work efficiently in the cloud. As such, replatforming often involves moving applications from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms, although it is also possible with already rehosted apps and workloads. Cloud migration involves transferring data, applications, and other business elements to a cloud environment, while replatforming specifically refers to adjusting and optimizing the application for the new cloud platform.

When should you consider replatforming?

Replatforming should be considered under several circumstances:

  • Outdated infrastructure: When your current platform is outdated and unable to meet the demands of modern applications.
  • Performance issues: If your application is experiencing performance bottlenecks that cannot be resolved within the existing platform.
  • Scalability constraints: When your current platform cannot scale effectively to support business growth.
  • Cost reduction: If moving to a new platform can significantly reduce operational and maintenance costs.
  • Compliance requirements: When regulatory or compliance requirements necessitate a change in infrastructure.

What are the risks of replatforming and how to overcome them?

While replatforming offers numerous benefits, it also comes with potential risks that need to be managed. For example, ensuring that the application works seamlessly on the new platform can be challenging due to compatibility issues. Additionally, there is a risk of data loss during migration if not handled carefully, and the transition process may lead to downtime, affecting business operations. Unexpected issues during replatforming can also result in cost overruns. Furthermore, new platforms may introduce unknown security vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.

These risks, however, can be mitigated by having a robust integration solution in place that supports scalability and real-time data processing, maintaining performance and responsiveness during and after the replatforming process.

Find out how the Alumio iPaaS simplifies replatforming here →


Replatforming is a strategic move for businesses looking to leverage modern platforms for improved performance, scalability, and cost efficiency. By understanding the process, recognizing when it’s needed, and being aware of the associated risks, businesses can make informed decisions to successfully transition their applications and systems to new, more capable platforms. Many businesses are increasingly embracing replatforming to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape and ensure their technological infrastructure is aligned with your business goals; Don’t lag behind!

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