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Replatforming with composable commerce & the iPaaS

Written by
Saad Merchant
Published on
May 31, 2024
Updated on
May 31, 2024

Digital transformation, business automation, and the technological landscape are rapidly evolving. As a result, enterprises aren’t simply faced with the challenge of replatforming outdated legacy software. Rather, they also need to have the agility for replatforming even the current applications they use in order to adapt to the constant market change. Two next-gen solutions that help solve this replatforming challenge are composable commerce and the iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service). While composable commerce provides a framework to integrate best-of-breed software solutions that can be flexibly changed or replaced, the iPaaS provides a cloud-based platform to implement the development approach. Let’s explore the essentials of replatforming and how the iPaaS and composable commerce help simplify replatforming.

Future-proof replatforming with composable commerce and the iPaaS

A great recent market example that emphasizes the need for replatforming capabilities is when, in 2020, the world’s leading ERP provider, SAP, announced that they would be ending mainstream support for their former central ERP solution, SAP ECC, within a few years. This was presumably done with the expectation of users migrating or replatforming to SAP’s new flagship cloud-based ERP solution, SAP S4/HANA.

The need for replatforming

Apart from cloud migration, the evolution of the market and technology is in a perpetual state of rapid flux, necessitating that businesses be capable of adopting the latest trends, features, and applications to stay ahead of the competition. As such, replatforming isn’t just about migrating data and processes from one platform to another, it’s also about constantly integrating new software solutions and swapping out outdated ones. This is where development methods like composable commerce and the iPaaS (integration Platform as a service) come in, enabling the integration of best-of-breed solutions interchangeably, preventing businesses from needing to overhaul the entire existing tech stack in the future.

What is replatforming?

Replatforming is the process of migrating an existing system, application, or website to a new platform with enhanced capabilities. Unlike simple updates or upgrades, replatforming involves a fundamental change in the underlying architecture, which can include moving to a new operating system, cloud environment, or content management system (CMS). Replatforming allows companies to leverage the latest technologies, optimize performance, improve user experiences, and stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital market.

The benefits of replatforming

As technology advances, older platforms may become obsolete, unable to support new business models or customer expectations, necessitating replatforming. By replatforming, companies can leverage advanced applications that can entail several business benefits, such as:

  • Enhanced scalability: By replacing monolithic software with newer best-of-breed cloud apps, businesses can unlock the possibility of integrating newer solutions and tools as they grow.
  • Improved user experience: Modern platforms prioritize user-friendliness with better interfaces, faster response times, and intuitive navigation, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
  • Increased operational efficiency: Replatforming can help streamline processes, reduce manual interventions, and automate workflows, resulting in higher productivity and lower operational costs.
  • Better data insights and security: Replatforming with newer applications is bound to benefit businesses with more sophisticated data analytics tools, as well as data security and privacy compliance features.

However, after determining what is replatforming and what its benefits are, the question still remains about what’s the best method of replatforming seamlessly. That’s where composable commerce and the iPaaS come in as great modern approaches to flexible and future-proof replatforming.

Enable future-proof replatforming with composable commerce

Composable commerce represents a paradigm shift from implementing monolithic platforms to adopting a more modular approach. Thus, instead of viewing replatforming as a major one-time event that involves migrating all services and processes to one or two big applications long-term, composable commerce breaks it down into an ongoing process. It enables businesses to flexibly change or adopt new processes, features, and software components based on changing business requirements or market trends.

What is composable commerce?

Composable commerce is a modular development approach that allows businesses to select and integrate best-of-breed software components and applications to create highly customized and agile tech stacks. Unlike monolithic e-commerce platforms, it leverages a MACH (Microservices, API-first, cloud-native, and Headless) architecture to enable these composable integrations. By enabling businesses to seamlessly assemble and reassemble components, composable commerce enables a more tailored, innovative, and dynamic product and customer experience.

How does composable commerce simplify replatforming?

In a composable commerce setup, businesses can freely mix, match, and integrate applications by various vendors based on specific requirements. For instance, it can involve implementing a popular PIM system for product management and OMS for order management, payment gateways based on regional preferences, a CRM solution with specific customer service features, and a WMS system to manage logistics.

Thus, replatforming a business with composable commerce is a future-proof method because it prevents businesses from getting stuck in vendor lock-ins, and it enables businesses to swap out components or applications instead of changing the entire system. One of the fastest and most effective ways to enable composable commerce experiences involves using an iPaaS.

Simplifying replatforming and composable commerce with the iPaaS

The iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service) is a cloud-native, API-first, and low-code middleware that helps connect multiple apps, systems, and data sources. It provides a user-friendly interface to develop, govern, and orchestrate integrations without the hassles of custom code. As such, it acts as a bridge between all integrated applications, facilitating seamless data flow, workflow automation, and data transformation via one user-friendly interface. Advanced iPaaS solutions like Alumio also enable data migration and integration, helping businesses replace obsolete applications with newer applications without losing their data.

How does the iPaaS enable replatforming and composable commerce?

Supporting scalability and real-time data processing, the iPaaS maintains performance and responsiveness during and after the replatforming process. Most importantly, iPaaS solutions usually provide a rich library of connectors (pre-configured software data) that make it easier to integrate various new cloud applications and even legacy systems.

The iPaaS is also a natural enabler of composable commerce. Acting as the central nervous system of the composable commerce architecture, it facilitates seamless communication and data exchange between all the different components of a composable stack. This synergy ensures that businesses can incrementally upgrade or replace parts of their e-commerce platform without disrupting the entire system.

The benefits of using the iPaaS and composable commerce for replatforming

While the iPaaS handles the complexities of data integration and synchronization, composable commerce enables rapid deployment and customization of new functionalities. Together, they create a streamlined and faster replatforming process that minimizes downtime. Here are some of the benefits that composable commerce combined with iPaaS entail for replatforming:

  1. Seamless integration: The iPaaS ensures smooth and efficient integration between various existing systems and data sources with new applications, simplifying the replatforming process.
  2. Scalable integrations: The iPaaS supports seamless scaling of data integration processes, easily handling growing data volumes and transaction loads as businesses and their integrated systems grow.
  3. Modular growth: The iPaaS and composable commerce allow businesses to continuously update and replace parts of their e-commerce solution without having to replatform the entire system.
  4. Interoperability: The iPaaS ensures that diverse systems and applications can communicate effectively. This interoperability is crucial during replatforming, allowing businesses to integrate new components with existing infrastructure without disrupting operations.

Simplifying replatforming with composable commerce and the iPaaS

Replatforming with traditional monolithic platforms can be complex and time-consuming. By leveraging composable commerce and the iPaaS, businesses can significantly simplify, speed up, and streamline the process. While composable commerce helps tailor tech stacks in a strategic and modular fashion with only best-of-breed solutions, the iPaaS helps synchronize the data between these components while providing scalable architecture to connect new solutions in the future. Most importantly, it ensures that instead of businesses having to replatform all their business processes and data with the advent of new technology, they can simply use the iPaaS to seamlessly integrate the change into their tech stack.  

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Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

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Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

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