Alumio secures a strategic investment from Lexar Partners to drive growth and innovation
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A white arrow pointing to the right, a visual representation of how to access more page material when clicking on it.

Want to discover how the Alumio integration platform works?

Explore the benefits of connecting apps, SaaS, and data sources with our API-driven, low-code solution.

Connect to
API protocols

RestAPI, OData, GraphQL, and SOAP.

Connect API authentications

OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, Request, and WSSE authentication.

Connect across
key data formats

JSON, XML, cXML, CSV, EDI, and more.

Connect filesystems

sFTP, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and WebDAV.
A pictogram of a blue gear in the centre of an arrow cycle moving one data type into another data type and vice versa, depicting the building of data transformation.

Build 100s of data transformations

Conditional, filtering, mapping, and many more.

Sync & async data exchange

Choose real-time data exchange or batch processing large data.

Benefit from schedulers

Process data asynchronously at timed intervals.

Implement our queuing mechanism

Queue and process data systematically.

See Alumio in action

Discover how we enable businesses of all sizes to build unlimited connections, workflows, and data transformations from one user-friendly web interface.

Simply click and configure integrations

Create, monitor, and manage all your integrations from one user-friendly interface without the hassles of custom code.

Build application integrations swiftly

Simply connect desired systems, create incoming and outgoing configurations, and build routes to freely exchange data.

Automate effortless workflow execution

Reduce manual data entry, schedule data exchange, sync data and detect errors in real-time, retry or skip tasks, and much more.

Flexibly modify data with transformers

Convert data formats. Map fields and attributes. Enrich, filter, re-route, and standardize data. Customize data and integrations limitlessly!

Orchestrate your integrations

Develop your integrations and automate all your workflows in a fast and scalable way from one user-friendly visual overview!

Get integration error alerts in real-time

Apart from providing a complete visual overview of integrations and data flows, Alumio provides a robust monitoring and logging system that automates real-time error detection. It also allows users to create custom alerts and notifications for specific instances.

Platform benefits

Connect to
API protocols

RestAPI, OData, GraphQL, and SOAP.

Connect API authentication methods

Oath1, Oath2, Request, and WSSE authentication.

Connect across
key data formats

RestAPI, OData, GraphQL, and SOAP.

Connect filesystems

sFTP, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and WebDAV.

Build 100s of data transformations

Conditional, filtering, mapping, and many more.
A pictogram of a blue gear in the centre of an arrow cycle moving one data type into another data type and vice versa, depicting the building of data transformation.

Synchronous & asynchronous integrations

Choose faster real-time data exchange or batch processing for large data volumes.

Benefit from schedulers

Process data asynchronously at timed intervals.

Implement our queuing mechanism

Queue and process data systematically.

Build faster integrations with our wide range of connectors

Access our rich library of pre-configured connections with the most popular SaaS and applications.
Portrait of Leonie Becher Merli, 
Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

Get a free demo of the Alumio platform