Alumio secures a strategic investment from Lexar Partners to drive growth and innovation
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Discover the Alumio architecture & performance!

Explore our highly flexible and scalable integration platform, based on the widely recognized and trusted Symfony PHP framework.
A 3D render of the Symfony framework the Alumio iPaaS is based on, showcasing how it is situated between multiple connected solutions to communicate and translate various data sources.
A close up 3D visual of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard, including all the Alumio iPaaS dashbaord items.

Designed to maximize automation and flexibility!

A future-proof integration solution
The Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service) is a cloud-native, low-code solution that helps businesses connect multiple systems, SaaS, applications, and data sources. It can send and receive data from all kinds of web services, file types, and databases, and the platform’s user-friendly interface helps configure endpoints, transform and map data, and monitor API-driven integrations.

Alumio delivers a horizontally and vertically scalable high-performance, cloud-native infrastructure that acts as a central hub to govern and orchestrate integrated systems, data, and processes. It helps process thousands of transactions per second and supports thousands of hosted cloud-native Alumio environments.

The performance benefits
of the Alumio iPaaS

Robust storage and queuing system

Data packages as ‘in-process data’ are temporarily stored in our robust queuing system, depending on type transformation and chosen Alumio package into MySQL, Elastic, Apache spark, Google GCP, or Amazon’s Redshift.

They are used to guarantee processing at scale for all the individual pages of data in transit. If any system goes offline, the architecture above allows for elegantly pausing and resuming flow-processing activities without loss of data.

Big Data  

Alumio is built as a high-performance integration platform to help external applications to be connected, and to handle big data. Data is transformed into smaller packages called ‘Alumio tasks’ and can flow through our system in a scalable manner into externally connected applications via our API, supported by our robust queuing mechanism.


Data sent to the Alumio listener APIs is only acknowledged after temporarily being persisted to redundant data storage and successfully queued. This protocol allows external applications to be certain that their data will be processed by a flow, or that it needs to be resent.

Quality control

The Alumio monitoring system can recognize field errors. If additional health workflows are configured, it can automatically remove these fields from API retry requests so that critical integration flows do not fail due to field-level data errors.

Errors that cannot be automatically recovered are displayed on a user-friendly dashboard, and users can troubleshoot these for a certain period, manually modifying and retrying failed records.

Alumio supports a large number of configuration options to tune the performance of an integration flow. For example, you can control the data package size of data traveling through a flow or the number of concurrent requests a specific connection is allowed to make at any given time. Integration flows can also be set up to process only delta data in such a way that external applications are not overwhelmed by large amounts of unchanged data being synced.


Alumio can recognize expired or invalid API credentials and automatically take connection resources offline. When a connection goes offline, Alumio's monitoring recognizes failed tasks. Additional workflows can be created to pause all related integration flows that are in progress. New flows will then, not be scheduled, and the offline connection will be placed into an automated recovery procedure. Then, once the connection comes back online, all related integration flows will resume processing where they left off and new flows that did not run will be scheduled.

Health monitoring

Alumio health monitoring can recognize when integration flows miss their last scheduled run due to a downtime event. It will automatically re-schedule flows, which run immediately after the interruption has been resolved. Alumio has the resilience to recognize intermittent network errors and automatically retry them.


The Alumio has no practical limits within a SMB Alumio private cloud account regarding:

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Number of applications that can be connected.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Number of flows that can be defined.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Number of flows that can run in parallel.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Number of records that can be processed.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

The size of data that can be processed.

Alumio limitations are based on the amount of requests per minute (or second). Our enterprise application is horizontally and vertically scalable based on the given infrastructure.


Alumio has a full DevOps team monitoring the Alumio platform 24/7. The DevOps team has people in multiple locations and each team member is fully equipped to work remotely or from an Alumio office.

Using code standards

The Alumio core team has defined a software development process to ensure that Alumio maintains scalability and reliability, and is 100% available. The SDLC (Software-Development Lifecycle) is the process that is followed for each Alumio software (component) project. Each project consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace, and alter or enhance specific software. This methodology ensures the quality of the Alumio iPaaS.

The figure is a graphical representation of the various stages of a typical SDLC.
The figure is a graphical representation of the various stages of a typical SDLC.

The Alumio SDLC

Alumio develops and improves its applications by using sound software-development lifecycle (SDLC) practices such as:

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Identifying vulnerabilities from outside sources to drive change and code improvement.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Applying hardware and software patches wherein Alumio is responsible for code changes and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is responsible for providing hardware patches; our virtual environment allows us to apply changes without any downtime.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Providing secure authentication and logging capabilities.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Removing development accounts, IDs, and passwords from production environments.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Adhering to strict change management practices for code updates as well as patches.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Separating test and development environments from production.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Maintaining separation of duties between development and support staff.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Ensuring Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is not used in test environments.

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Performing regular code reviews and documenting code changes.

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Engaging senior developer input and approval for all code changes.

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Completing functionality and regression testing before release to production.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Conducting performance tests for every code component

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Maintaining backout procedures to preserve high availability and integrity.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Following secure coding practices according to an SDLC policy and addressing the security training needs of the development team.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Referring to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) to check for security flaws such as injection flaws, buffer overflows, cryptographic errors, error handling, etc.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Assessing for vulnerabilities on every release.

A small dot of the Alumio vivid purple color.

Conducting penetration testing every single year to identify points of improvement.

3D visual demonstrating the cost optimization benefits achievable through seamless software integrations.

Architectural pillars

Design principles to generate performance
Alumio ensures a future-proof integration solution. It deliver high scalability, performance, security, and compliance based on four architectural pillars:
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Dependency injection

A vivid green checkmark showcasing that the statement it is accompanied by is true, correct and/ or present.

Decoupled architecture

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A vivid green checkmark showcasing that the statement it is accompanied by is true, correct and/ or present.


The advantages of Alumio OpenAPI

Simple interface

Abstracting HTTP transport
Alumio makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services. It offers a simple interface for POST requests, streaming uploads and downloads, to build query strings, using HTTP cookies, upload JSON data, and so on. It can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface. The underlying HTTP transport is abstracted away in Alumio, offering you the ability to transport agnostic code. This means no hard dependency on cURL, streams, sockets, or non-blocking event loops. Alumio offers you a way to augment and compose client behavior.
A 3D visual of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard.


Securing API integrations
Alumio supports all common API authentication methods to help kickstart your next integration. With several methods in the market, Alumio provides a way to apply a standard process for authentication, removing the necessity to apply custom code for setting up authentication processes. Whether you require basic authentication, API keys, Oauth, OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0 password grant, OpenID, SAML, TLS, or JSON web token, the Alumio iPaaS is designed to accelerate integration projects.
A 3D visual of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard.

API mocking

A clean headstart for your integrations
Alumio offers the possibility to apply mocking or creating mock system components. The basic concept of mocking involves creating a replacement version of an API for testing. It behaves as the original API but lacks many functional and non-functional characteristics of the original component.

API mocking empowers engineers and QA testers in their everyday work. With mocking, it is possible to start work before a functional API endpoint exists, by making agreements about the API input and output formats. It also enables the development and testing of workflows that greatly enhance the agility of engineers with complex infrastructures and systems.
A 3D visual of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard.

Lifecycle API management

Managing API-driven integrations
As a result of the increasing complexity of API architecture, Lifecycle API management has become an important aspect of continuous, collaborative development. It indicates the instrumental role APIs play in today’s business.

Alumio supports its users with the monitoring and alerting of API processes. The configurations of API endpoints in integrations can be enhanced and updated to support upcoming or newly introduced API versions. The platform also offers several features and best practices to support and maintain API-driven integrations over time. Configurations within Alumio become reusable components within the ecosystem of your environment. This allows you to quickly adapt to new business requirements or API changes. Configurations can be standardized and maintained within the development pipelines of partners, enabling you to fully integrate end-to-end integrations within larger programs.
A 3D visual of the cloud-native Alumio integration platform dashboard.
The Alumio Core

A Symfony-based iPaaS

The framework of our API-driven platform
Designed to be a developer-friendly modular integration solution, the Alumio iPaaS is built on the renowned open-source PHP framework called Symfony. Providing a set of decoupled and reusable components, Symfony stands out for the modularity and extensibility it enables.

The integration benefits of the Alumio architecture

Integrate two or
multiple systems

Limitlessly connect endpoints and routes with the ability to extend and reuse your data. Enabling you to swiftly add new software, systems, apps, or data sources to existing integrations, the Alumio iPaaS enables you to rapidly scale your inetgrations horizontally as you grow.

Extensive integration capabilities

The Alumio iPaaS can flexibly integrate with thousands of systems, including old legacy systems or new and unknown ones with extensive web services support. This includes connecting via REST, JSON, XML, SOAP, Databased, FTP, and so on.

Both synchronous and asynchronous

Integrate your software in realtime or batch process data, in a flexible way. By supporting different synchronization patterns like one-way, bi-directional, and many-to-many, the Alumio iPaaS offers limitless integration capabilities.

Alumio iPaaS data entities

Being able to normalize data helps re-use integration flows.
JSON schema
Alumio uses the JSON schemas to offer a clear data format to communicate with. The schemas are used to determine what user input should look like, how configuration objects should be defined, how forms should be rendered, etc. These schemas make for a clear and consistent application interface. 
Data entity types
Data entities for predefined elements are standardized. This means the Alumio iPaaS has an intermediate standard for many data entity types (e.g., orders, products, credit memos, people, etc.). This reduces the general complexity of configuring data flows, interfacing with (partially) known systems, and minimizing the mutations needed on the given data.
A vivid purple checkmark showcasing that the statement it is accompanied by is true, correct and/ or present.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

A vivid purple checkmark showcasing that the statement it is accompanied by is true, correct and/ or present.

Use the software in their strengths

A vivid purple checkmark showcasing that the statement it is accompanied by is true, correct and/ or present.

Implementing a Hexagonal design

Why is the Alumio iPaaS the preferred solution for developers?

A multicolored 3D visual of the global network of partners, customers, and successfully connected solutions of Alumio.
Network and Infrastructure
Hosting is a crucial aspect that influences the scalability of Alumio iPaaS.
A high quality 3D render of the reporting and dashboarding function within the Alumio middleware.
Performance Reports & Insights
Get insights on how subscribing and publishing data performs with the Alumio iPaaS.
A 3D render of the top-notch security and compliance empowered by Alumio iPaaS.
Security and compliance
The Alumio integration platform supports all security and compliance regimes.
Portrait of Leonie Becher Merli, 
Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

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