Rankad #1 Bästa molntjänstleverantör i Nederländerna 2024!
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Magento webshops, web applications, websites, integrations
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Jesper van den Bogaard

CEO & Founder

En LinkedIn-logotyp i levande lilaEn 2D-ikon för e-post i antracit och levande lila

Om Factor Blue

Factor Blue is a technical e-commerce agency based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, that integrates complex data sources to promote digital growth for ambitious entrepreneurs.

With a dedicated team of 25 people, Factor Blue has a diverse and international customer base. Many clients reach out to Factor Blue with chaotic, spaghetti-like IT landscapes with multiple systems that don’t communicate well with each other. Through expert consultation and implementation services, Factor Blue creates “blueprints” for each client's digital ecosystem that outlines the most efficient way to integrate data solutions or build webshops, untangling complexities and providing a clear pathway forward. With over 14 years of experience, Factor Blue’s approach to doing business is based on establishing strong relationships with customers and partners built on clarity, pragmatism, and transparency:

We don’t focus on marketing or colorful designs. We’re here for the complex, technical challenges B2B companies face, like integrating webshops with various systems and ensuring everything runs smoothly.”

Jesper van den Bogaard
CEO, Factor Blue

Om partnerskapet

With an entire dedicated team of data engineers working with integrations on the Alumio platform on a daily basis, Factor Blue is able to offer seamless integration services to clients who need to connect various systems and centralize their data to simplify their operations:

“Clients often think their systems can’t communicate because they’re built differently. However, with Alumio, we can connect on-premise solutions to cloud platforms and APIs to databases, enabling us to integrate everything into one source of truth.”

Jesper van den Bogaard
CEO, Factor Blue

As an official Alumio Spaces partner, Factor Blue provides clients who have smaller integration projects with an accessible and scalable entry point to Alumio, starting with simple point-to-point connections and upgrading the range of capabilities as their business grows.

By focusing on technical excellence and leveraging the power of Alumio, Factor Blue ensures that its clients can grow seamlessly in the digital space with a scalable and future-proof IT architecture that adapts to their evolving needs.

Vad Factor Blue hjälper till att integrera

Gemensamma aktiviteter

Effekten av datasilos och hur man eliminerar dem: Insikter från Factor Blue

I den här intervjun med Factor Blue får du veta mer om vad datasilos är, hur man förhindrar dem och vilken roll dataintegration spelar för att eliminera dem.
Läs mer på engelska
En Alumio levande lila pil som pekar åt höger, en visuell representation av hur man kommer till mer sidmaterial när man klickar på den.
Inga föremål hittades.

Alumio Talks: Avsnitt 12, Datasilos förståelse och genombrott

I denna artikel diskuterar vi med vår partner Factor Blue utmaningarna med datasilos och dataintegreringens betydelse för att eliminera problem.
Läs mer på engelska
En Alumio levande lila pil som pekar åt höger, en visuell representation av hur man kommer till mer sidmaterial när man klickar på den.

Gemensamma marknadsföringsaktiviteter

Inga föremål hittades.
Inga föremål hittades.
Inga föremål hittades.

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