Ranked #1 Best Cloud Service Provider in the Netherlands 2024!

AFAS with Wix

Connect AFAS and Wix with any other application in just a few clicks to synchronize data, automate workflows, and boost productivity across your organization.


Making integrations simple for businesses around the globe

Simply click and configure integrations!

Create, monitor, and manage all your integrations from one user-friendly interface without the hassles of custom code.

Streamline system integrations

Integrate your systems with ease, configure data flows, and build paths to exchange data freely.

Streamline workflows without manual effort

Eliminate repetitive data entry, plan data exchanges, align data, spot errors in real-time, and handle tasks with flexibility.

Adapt data with customizable transformers

Convert data formats. Map fields and attributes. Enrich, filter, re-route, and standardize data. Customize data and integrations.

Orchestrate your integrations

Build integrations and automate workflows efficiently with a scalable and intuitive visual dashboard.

Experience hassle-free integrations

Empower seamless integration with a fast, intelligent, and versatile platform for all use cases.

Achieve quicker setups with a variety of pre-configured integration connectors.

Enable all team members to contribute to integrations without any coding skills.

Stay informed with real-time error alerts and customizable notifications.

Reserve your appointment to explore integration solutions


Explore other popular integrations with AFAS


Explore other popular integrations with Wix