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performance results
The following performance insights gathered by Alumio experts include results from asynchronous and synchronous processing scenarios. This involved testing three scenarios importing data, exporting data, and synchronously importing and exporting data.
The performance report has been compiled after rigorous testing with the default 'Professional edition' hosting setup - Alumio version 3.13.0, 8GB, 2 cores. The testing was carried out in the region eu-west-2a (London).
Test 1: Asynchronous approach - importing data (creating tasks)
An incoming configuration, a range Subscriber (to create 1000 entities per run), an entity transformer, a data filter, a move using a pattern (data transformer), and a value setter.
Test 2: Asynchronous approach -exporting data (creating tasks)
The following components were used: an outgoing configuration, a storage publisher (to process 1000 tasks sequentially per run), an entity transformer, a data filter, a move using a pattern (data transformer), and a value setter.
Test 3: Synchronous approach - importing & exporting data simultaneously
The following components were used while conducting the test: an incoming configuration, a range Subscriber (to create 1000 entities per run), an entity transformer, a data filter, a move using a pattern (data transformer), and a value setter.
An overview of the new performance results
The average time taken for 1000 tasks: 42s 776ms
Median time taken for 1000 tasks: 44s 490ms
Average tasks per second: 23.378
Median tasks per second: 22.478
The average time taken for 1000 tasks: 4s 466ms
Median time taken for 1000 tasks: 4s 374 ms
Average tasks per second: 223.914
Median tasks per second: 228.623
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