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How Reef built a future-proof platform

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Published on
November 13, 2020

Reef is one of the largest sandal suppliers in the world. The company was founded in 1984 by two brothers from Argentina, who wanted to share their love for surfing and the beach with the world. Reef is the most notable brand in the water sports industry, operating in more than 20 countries.

Alumio's Shopware partner WeProvide has been asked to create a top-notch digital, storytelling experience, that makes people enthusiastic about the Reef brand.

The first ambition is to connect Reef's ERP XL-ENZ - which is a fashion ERP delivered by Reflecta - to Shopware. Their biggest wish was to get rid of the data silos, they wanted to be prepared for both B2C and B2B commerce, and did not want to use plugins or custom code for their integrations.

The main objective was to build a future-proof IT landscape, to be ready for digital growth.


Shopware 6

Shopware 6 is applied as e-commerce platform. Shopware is the leading e-commerce platform for the fashion industry. It delivers extreme flexibility for creating content (drag and drop) and therefore for creating a storytelling digital shopping experience.


Reflecta's XL-ENZ ERP is a fully integrated fashion order and production processing system, which is used by more than 200 reknown brands. Reflecta's customers are mainly fashion and are looking for a suitable ERP system that they can easily merge into a reliable contemporary total solution.

"Together with our partner, WeProvide, we combined our experience and expertise to run this successful integration project."

Why Reef chose Alumio

✓ Future-proofing scalable infrastructure and software interchangeability

✓ Fast integration reduce "time-to-market" and connect new software and data sources easily

✓ High performance service 360° monitoring and no custom tailored code

✓ Security and compliance integrations and data exchange in accordance with privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR)

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